Thursday, October 27, 2005

Teas for Beauty

Picking Teas, originally uploaded by CharlieBrown8989.

Tea is a important anti-Oxidants for our body, to look young & healthy.

Different tea's would have different effect for the the body & beauty.

The most important of all is:

To have good rest & drinks enough water!!

The photos here is the Tea Plantation growing Oolong & T-Guan Yin Tea in Fujian.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Soup For Beauty of Skin

Soup For Beauty, originally uploaded by CharlieBrown8989.

This soup is with fish stock & Fresh scallops from the sea.

Is high in collagen & elastine, it is excellent for our skin & for looing young!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Two Methods of Self-Savage Skin Problem

Two Methods of Self-Savage Skin Problem

I am trying out the Blogger – Words Direct posting

2 种排毒法自救暗沉肌肤


Toxine 毒素

饮食排毒10大方略 详细>>

Salt & Honey Detoxification 食盐蜂蜜排毒法


Japanese Red or Brown Sugar Detoxification

这 种风靡全日本的排毒方法自是有理可依,据分析,红糖中含有的特殊成分“糖蜜”,具有强力的“解毒”功效,而蕴含的胡萝卜素、核黄素、烟酸、氨基酸、葡萄糖 等成分对细胞具有强效抗氧化及修护作用,能使皮下细胞排毒后迅速生长避免出现色素反弹。因此,不妨试试用红糖排毒。直接食用是一种方法,或者使用红糖、木 瓜泥和橄榄油制成面膜,用来敷脸和按摩肌肤,也有不错的效果。

I would do the Chinese - English translation later.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The best way to cook a giant squid?

Squids is high in collagen, but also the high cholesterol.

Collagen is great for our skin health. But not the cholesterol.

Now let look at:-

What's the best way to cook a giant squid?

Laura Barton
Thursday September 29, 2005

Scientists in Japan have, for the first time, taken a photograph of a giant squid in its natural habitat, at a depth of 450 fathoms off the Ogasawara Islands in the north Pacific. It is 60ft long and has tentacles that can stretch up to two-thirds of its length. That is a whole heap o' calamari. And, now that we know what they actually look like, it can surely only be a matter of time before we start catching them and serving them up with a samphire garnish in the nation's most bourgeois eating establishments. But what is the best way to cook a giant squid? Fry it? Bake it? Make it into a big squid pie?

"A squid of that size would feed 30 people, a whole Christmas party!" declares Aldo Zilli, famed fish chef. "You would boil it. You need the largest pot in the world. Boil it for 10 hours with lots of wine corks to tenderise the squid - and I don't mean plastic corks, I mean cork corks - then leave it in the same water for five hours to cool down. Take it out, cut it up in small pieces - you'll need a very, very, very sharp knife. Soak the tentacles separately in cold, salted water for a couple of hours, because that's where the sand is. Boil those as well; red wine is a good source of tenderising, so use a couple of bottles of chianti and leave to rest in the juice. Take it out, cut it up, then sauté in garlic and chilli and serve with coriander and a nice sauvignon blanc."

The best way to cook a giant squid?

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved