Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sen. Smith dedicates new wellness library named for his son -- Meditations!!

With the present living enviroment, stress is the key to kids life.. both parents & kids are under ever increase stress.

Then the depression kicks in. I have observe that in countries like Singapore, Japan, UK, Hong Kong.. all having the same issues.

My recommendations is that teach Kids how to meditate to heal themself for their wellness.

Sen. Smith dedicates new wellness library named for his son

PENDLETON— Sen. Gordon Smith came home Friday to dedicate a wellness library named after his deceased son at St. Anthony Hospital, in hopes the library can help others who struggle with depression.

Smith, a Republican from Pendleton, created the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Fund soon after his son Garrett committed suicide on Sept. 8, 2003, after battling bi-polar disorder and the depression that stemmed from it. That fund helped to generate enough money to establish the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Library at the hospital.

“We’re profoundly grateful for this place of healing,” Smith told an invitation-only crowd of nearly 200 at the hospital Friday morning. “This is the very place where my own mother brought me into the is world, so it’s good to be back.”

The library houses numerous books and Internet-capable computers for patients and community members to use in order to gain knowledge about depression and other mental health issues, as well as to provide assistance to young people battling depression.

A wall outside the library showcases Garrett Smith’s life in large, colorful photos, along with a message from the Smith family. Sen. Smith, his wife Sharon and his daughter Brittany unveiled the wall following the library dedication.

“Today, with the Smith family, we have the opportunity to shed a ray of light of hope on those struggling with depression,” said Kevin Hale, chairman of the St. Anthony Hospital Foundation Board.

As Smith began his dedication remarks, he warned the crowd, “I will try to keep my eyes dry today so I can share the thoughts in my heart, but if I don’t succeed, they are tears of joy.”

The tears did come as Smith told of President Abraham Lincoln’s struggle with his own son’s death to typhoid fever, and how he locked himself in his room for 14 days following the funeral, troubled with the thought of moving on without his son.

“After Garrett’s death, I began to figure out how to go on,” Smith said. “I contemplated returning to Pendleton and focusing on my two other children, but that wouldn’t have been keeping on with the people of Oregon.

“But I found comfort in a cause,” Smith continued. “This is very important because every year in America 1,700 high schoolers take their lives, and in American colleges, 3,000 take their lives.”

Following the death of his son, Sen. Smith championed the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, which President Bush signed Sept. 9, 2004, a year and a day after Garrett’s suicide, It would have been his 23rd birthday. The act sets aside $82 million over three years for youth suicide prevention and intervention programs.

Sen. Smith dedicates new wellness library named for his son

Friday, February 25, 2005

3 Technique's For Maintaining Skin Moisture -- 肌肤完全保湿的三大高招

This article is a valuable informations for Maintaining Skin Care Mositure.

But I have some additional inputs based from my research.

The Characteristics of of the Skin is highly dependant on the Location & country.. i.e. London, Tokyo, Taipei, Paris, Singapore , Jarkata, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Toronto, Joberg, Frankfurt, Manchester, Boston, Amersterdam, Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Beijing, Xiamen, Guanzhou, Shanghai, Vancouver.. are polluted.. so the face would callect the pulluted air & smoke.. Living or working in these big city whenever return to home or reach the Office, I would advise that you clean you face.

Selecting the right Moisturizer is also important. In the day time shall apply the sun screening.

Use Filter water for face cleaning. Add pincer of Baking soda in the room temperature water for cleansing or just few drops of lemon juice.

Drink enough Water.

Drink Soup that have high Collagen & Elastin

Take less Salt







































Thursday, February 24, 2005

Vitamin E supplements effective in raising skin antioxidant levels - Carotanoids??

It have been proved again & again that Vitamin E would help. But beside Vitamin E, Vitamin C is important as well.

Anti-Oxidants can be from fruits & Vegetable.. Carot too. Caroteniods is the Anti-Oxidants that combate the free radicals in the body.. scientific study found that if the Caroteniods of a person fall below certain level then that person would have low immunity. & would be prompted to illness.

I would write more about it later. Now let's back to the Skin Care.. Anti-oxidants..

The basic technigue is still as follow:

Drink Enough Filtered Water

Don't over expose to the sun light

Drink Fruits Juice

Have enough Rest & Sleep

Don't eat deep fried & oilly Fatty food

No Alcohol

No Spicies food & Curry

No Smoking

No Late night

Eat Steam Food & Vege

Drink more Bone soup with Pig skin collagen

Then you shall have the Great health of your Skin.. Look young .. & be young....

Vitamin E supplements effective in raising skin antioxidant levels

24/02/2005 - Supplements of either natural or synthetic source vitamin E almost double the levels of this important antioxidant on the skin’s surface, report researchers this month, providing the first strong evidence for the role of vitamin E supplements in skincare, writes Dominique Patton.

Vitamin E has long been used in cosmetic applications to help the skin combat oxidative stress from the environment that lead to damage and ageing.

However although some vitamin E supplements have been positioned for beauty and skin health, scientific data to support their benefit has been lacking.

The new study, funded by vitamin maker BASF and first reported at a major conference on vitamin E last year, reveals for the first time a potential delivery mechanism for dietary vitamin E reaching the skin via sebaceous gland secretion.

It will open up new opportunities for supplement makers to tap the lucrative skincare market, currently seeing significantly stronger growth than the traditional vitamins sector.

“Most vitamin E supplements are just marketed as regular vitamin E but consumer awareness of the idea that nutrition can influence beauty is growing. Now we can offer customers scientific support for this concept,” Simon Gauch, global product manager for fat-soluble vitamins at BASF, told

Skincare markets in Europe have seen growth above 20 per cent in recent years. France, which has some 40 per cent of the western European skincare market and sales of €2.2 billion in 2004, is expected to grow by 17 per cent over the next five years, according to Mintel, while less developed markets such as Italy will grow faster at 26 per cent over 2004 figures.

The UK market is also going to perform particularly well over this period, growing some 24 per cent to almost €1 billion, according to the market research firm.

“Consumer interest in beauty is often stronger than their interest in health,” noted Gauch, adding that BASF are the first to study vitamin E’s potential in this field.

Researchers led by Professor Jens Thiele at the Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago had previously shown that sebum contains the highest concentrations of alpha-tocopherol found in human skin and accounts for the high levels of vitamin E found in the outermost layers of the skin and in skin surface lipids.

They hypothesized that take-up of oral vitamin E in the skin is largely dependent on sebaceous gland secretion.

The theory was tested on 24 healthy volunteers, randomized to receive a daily supplement of either 400 mg synthetic alpha-tocopherol or natural source alpha-tocopherol for two weeks.

Fasting blood samples, facial sebum samples, and skin surface lipid extractions from a site with low density of sebaceous glands (the forearm) were taken between baseline and 21 days.

Serum alpha-tocopherol levels were significantly increased as early as 12 hours after the first supplements were taken, peaking on day seven, with an average increase of 76 per cent and 79 per cent, respectively.

Sebum levels remained unchanged during the first 14 days of supplementation but after two weeks, both vitamin E groups saw alpha-tocopherol levels in sebum increase by 87 per cent and 92 per cent, respectively.

No significant changes were observed in lower arm skin surface lipids at any time point.

“The results suggest that sebaceous gland secretion is a major mechanism leading to site-specific differences,” write the researchers in a special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2004; 1031: 184).

They note that the bioavailability of both vitamin types is comparable but that possible protective effects in the skin will not be achieved before a supplementation period of two to three weeks.

“In view of the recently identified susceptibility of sebaceous lipids to solar photo-oxidation, dietary vitamin E supplementation may help to protect human skin barrier lipids from environmental oxidative stress,” conclude the authors.

Further studies should compare test sites with different density and activity of sebaceous glands, they said, but added that other pathways of vitamin E delivery to the skin should not be ruled out.

The findings will also give vitamin makers new potential to grow the vitamin E market. The leading suppliers of synthetic vitamin E, BASF and DSM, have both expanded capacity recently, to a combined 45,000 tons, and need to grow the market.

While animal nutrition accounts for the biggest share of demand for this vitamin, both firms will be keen to push vitamin E products to higher value segments such as human nutrition and cosmetics, or indeed, the crossover -and least developed - area of cosmeceuticals.

The findings were presented by Dr Swarna Ekanayake Mudiyanselage from Friedrich Schiller University in Germany at the Vitamin E and Health conference organized by the New York Academy of Sciences in May last year.

Vitamin E supplements effective in raising skin antioxidant levels

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Beware!! Using Fruits & Vege for Skin Care -- 瓜果敷面美容要小心

What this article said is using Fruits or Melon's for skin Care is cheap & effective.

However, one must beware that Are you of Skin Allergies.

In my research into these, I found that like the case below, she is using 2 whole cucumbers for her face..

The other was using the Aloe for her face. Both have been ignorance of the applications.

In the 1st case the cucumber should be cut it to thin slices, 1/2 of it is enough for the whole face. Also a 215 minutes should be more than sufficient for the applications.

The Aloe case is again is over dose, it should be cut to small slices & applied on the face to a very fine coating of Aloe Juice. 15 minutes is more than enough for the applications.

So, learn from the mistake. Know your skin type. before you apply any thing on your face.











Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A local doctor's perspective on skin-care products

Dr Lisa given the advise that "Best Way To Take Care of The Skin is to protect from the Sun and don't smoke.

However, I would like to add the following:

1. De-Stress By Meditation

2. Early morning Sun is OK for 10 minutes.

3. Avoid Alcohol

4. Don't take too much Pickles

5. Wash your face constantly with filtered water

6. Drink White tea or Green Tea

7. Drink soup everyday.

8. No Junk food, Deep fried food

9. No spicies food.

A local doctor's perspective on skin-care products
February 22, 2005 By Katy Buchanan, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Dr. Lisa Pawelski, a dermatologist in private practice in Wilkins, said part of the problem for doctors in deciding which products to sell from the office is that there's very little data comparing product to product.

"In my mind, for equivalent quality of product, the more expensive lines might cost four to six times as much as the least expensive doctor-office product line," she said.

As an example, Pawelski pointed out that a 2.5-ounce bottle of an 8 percent glycolic acid cream can cost less than $20, compared with Prevage, which is $115 an ounce. Glycolic acid thins the dead layer of skin cells on the skin surface, thickens the top live layer of cells and helps minimize damage such as liver spots and fine wrinkling.

"You might say you're comparing glycolic acid to antioxidants [i.e. Prevage], but they're all anti-aging things one way or another," she said.

Pawelski carries a less expensive line of skin-care products called DCL in her own office.

"There are certainly physicians who push the products a lot harder and that's a larger part of their profit stream," she said.

As a bottom line, she pointed out, the best way to take care of your skin probably isn't in a tube or a jar.

That is, protect your skin from the sun and don't smoke.

"Sometimes healthy lifestyle adjustments may accomplish as much benefit as an expensive, hyped product."

A local doctor's perspective on skin-care products

Monday, February 21, 2005

Slimming -- Bitter Melon -苦瓜减肥

My research is both on "i-Medicine Sutra" & experiences.

I don't really encourage using of Bitter Melon for Slimming alone.

Bitter Taste is good for the Heart but too much is bad for the Neuro system of our body.

As the characteristic is "Cold", if you have the blood cirulations problem & yet you still use eat too much Bitter melon then your blood circulations would be even worst.

Drinking of Bitter Melon juice would cause stomarch upset.. Once ever 2 weeks if you want to Drink it for clearing your stomarch & intestine that is OK.

So please take note of these for your beautiful Skin & Wellness.












  春节瘦身期 如何抑制食欲·如果想长期保持苗条,最有效的方法恐怕只有控制饮食。可是在春节期间,各种美味佳肴当前,有没有降低食欲的好办法?相信你已经尝过用尽各种方法减肥却没效果的痛苦感受,究其原因,最重要的大概是:不了解自己的食欲,不知道自己是真饿,还只是食欲作祟!因而了解自己的食欲,让自己在节日之后,仍保有苗条的身材!


  专家点评 帮你挑减肥食谱·当减肥成为流行的时候,各种减肥食谱也如雨后春笋般突显出来。并在一传十、十传百的趋势向外散开。但是,这些食谱真的有效吗?我们请来专家分析分析……


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Eat 5 To 9 Servings of Fruits & Vegetables A Day for Your Beautiful Skin & Wellness

Eat 5 To 9 Serving of Fruits & Vegetable A Day!! Posted by Hello


This articles gives some good advise on Skin Care for the face. As my computer don't have the Chinese Language input device. Therefore, I will put my comments in English.

Key Factors for Beautiful Face Skin Care is:

1. Enough Sleep
2. Drink Minimum 8 glasses of Filtered Water a day
3. Don't Eat Deed Fried Food or Junk foods
4. Drink Herbal Tea. i.e. Wild Gingseng, Chrysanthemum, Jasmine, Mint, Lingzhi..
5. Clean Air & Clean Environment
6. Avoid Too Strong Taste of Food, i.e. too much Sugar, too much Soldium
7. Drop A few Drops of Lemon Juice or A Tea Spoon full of Vinegar, Mix in the Water for Cleaning
8. Use Cucumber slices for Eye Bag or Black Eye Ring
9. Eat More Fruits, Vegetable


These are also applicable to man too.


























  正确洗脸 痘痘肌肤byebye·进入冬季,人们的肌肤便开始变得干燥,皮肤科医师指出:此时各种性质的皮肤都应减少洗脸的次数,以免脸上的油脂流失过多,使皮肤更干燥。另外,洗脸用的水最好用温水,因冬天时常有人喜欢用热水洗,这也会使油脂流失,皮肤容易变得干燥,而冷水也过于刺激皮肤,皮肤可能会变得红肿。(当然关于袪痘的方法很多,而油油肤和痘痘肌的护理心得多少也能为你提供一些袪痘方面的经验!)


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Skin Care is just a matter of cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle

The following report contain many good advise about Skin Care.

However, I would like to provide the following helpful inputs:

1. Polluted Environments & dry air would affect of the Skin Health
2. Not Enough Rest or Sleep Would cause the Skin age faster
3. Take Shower twice a day
4. Use cold water or cold Chrysanthemum Tea to clean face
5. Steam Bath for your face before sleep
6. Meditations to di-stress
7. Use of fresh egg white for masking
8. Put a pincer of Baking Soda in the room temperature water for cleaning
9. Apply Collagen & Elastin after cleansing

Skin care is usually just a matter of cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle
For most people, smooth skin requires nothing more than staying clean, eating right and living well. If you want to stay looking young, experts say, just eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, and wash your face several times a day. Keeping stress at bay is also key. If you find this article interesting, be sure to also read 'Dietary fat is necessary for absorption of vitamins, nutrients and phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables.'


* We are all born with different skin textures.
* All that's needed of us is a little maintenance to keep our skin healthy.
* Unfortunately, most of us wait until something goes wrong before we start tending to our skin.
* Skin care should be part of a daily routine.
* The first step in achieving flawless skin is to identify your skin type.
* Whether you have normal, oily, dry or combination skin.
* Once you've determined your basic skin type, you could then choose from the wide variety of advanced skin services that are available today.
* There are different treatments available for different skin types.
* For example, ageing skin could be treated with non-surgical facelift.
* Also, there are a variety of good quality cosmetics available in the market for daily skin care.
* If your skin is very sensitive, do consult your dermatologist before you venture into a new product.
* Eat a lot of fruits and vegatables.
* This will help you get that natural glow.
* This helps cleanse your circulatory system, which again, is very important in skin care.
* A balanced diet and cleanliness are the simplest steps to ensure healthy skin.
* Do remember to wash your face everytime you return from an outing.
* A stress-free lifestyle will reflect on one's face.


Skin care is usually just a matter of cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle

Facial Vein Laser Treatment Cosemtic Dermatology -- Check Your Blood Sugar 1st

Spider Veins On the Face obviously is not so present.

Thanks is due to the Laser Technology that can be used to cure these defects.

When I was in Malaysia, I have a few friends, they have been having the Spider Veins on their face & nose. They have went for the Laser treatment, & it was heal. But later the spider vein seem to be re-surfaced.

I then advised them to go for the check up on their blood. The result found that they have diabetic.

With these experiences, I want to advise you that if you are going to do the Laser Treatment, why not check your blood 1st.

Go to the root before you get treatment.

Facial Vein Laser Treatment Cosemtic Dermatology: "Facial Vein Laser Treatment

Facial vein laser treatments are used to eliminate small, red-to-purple spider veins that appear on the face. Also known as telangiestasias, spider veins can be caused by rosacea, hormones, oral contraceptives, sun exposure or the aging process.

Lasers provide a safe and effective method for eliminating facial spider veins. A laser generating an intense beam of light is directed at the targeted vein using a special laser hand-piece. The energy emitted by the laser is absorbed by the blood vessel, but not by the surrounding tissue. The heat generated by the laser causes coagulation of the blood vessel, which is destroyed and is gradually reabsorbed by the body.

Treatment Duration:
Treatment generally takes just a few minutes; however, the time varies according to the number of vessels requiring treatment. Depending on the type of vessels involved (darker or purple veins are more difficult to remove than pink or red ones), multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Repeat treatments are spaced at four- to six-week intervals.

The sensation of laser treatment is like that of a rubber band being snapped against the skin. Some patients opt for application of a topical anesthetic cream prior to the procedure.

After Care:
Discomfort after the procedure is minimal. Some swelling, redness or (rarely) blistering may occur around the treated areas, and the skin may feel tender for several days. In order to maintain optimal results, it is important to apply sunscreen regularly and avoid prolonged sun exposure. "

Friday, February 18, 2005

Dry Skin, Allergy or Something More Serious? Check Your Lung & Intestine!!

Yesterday, I reported about Psoriasis & Skin Care.

I found the following article from

As according to Psoriasis Foundation, it reconfirmed my research that Stress , diet or allergies.. do triggers the Psorasis.

The healing cream normally for Psorasis is Coal Tar & Serlicerlic Acid 2%.

However, my advise is if you have skin problem , consult a skin specialist 1st.

According to "I-medicine Sutra" Lung, Big Intestine is the roots of the skin, so need to check your Lung & Big Intestine as well.

Dry Skin, Allergy or Something More Serious?

(HealthDay News) -- The cold winter months cause many of us to itch and scratch what appears to be dry skin. But is it weather-related, an allergic reaction, or something more serious like psoriasis?

Psoriasis typically develops between the ages of 15 to 35, but it can begin at any age. Many first-time psoriasis patients may brush off a warning sign and not realize they have a condition that requires medical attention. Check with your doctor if you have:

* Skin with red patches or scales.
* Changes or discoloration of nail beds.
* Red, tender, blistered skin.
* Inflamed or red areas in folds of the skin.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, in addition to weather, diet, or allergies, triggers of the disease can include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection, and reactions to certain drugs. Also, stress can cause psoriasis to flare for the first time or aggravate existing cases. - Health Tip: Dry Skin, Allergy or Something More Serious?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

DNA chart may give clue to the origins of diseasesn - Look at Psorasis

In my previous article I have briefly mentioned that certain kind of skin disease will passed on by generation i.e. psoriasis & eczema.

One thing I don't understand is that the psoriasis normally happen in an interval of generation gap. my research have found that sometime the Grand pa generation have psoraisis then the father & uncle generation would not be having it. Then the son or daugther generation , one of the member would have the disease.

But these is for sure is of the DNA & the gene that come to effect.

Those who have the Psorasis must avoid to have stress,

Not to Drink Beer or Alcohol,

Not to eat too much Prawn

Not to eat Crab, So as to prevent the disease to turn bad.

DNA chart may give clue to the origins of diseases
By Mark Henderson
A GENETIC map that charts the way DNA varies across three racial groups will illuminate the origins of health problems as diverse as heart disease and mental illness, scientists said yesterday.

The completion of the mapping project by Perlegen Sciences, a company based in California, will help researchers to pinpoint genetic variants that contribute to disease and promises to lead to more effective, tailor-made medical treatments.

The study, published yesterday in Science and also presented to the meeting, is the first of its kind to be made public.

It has identified 1.58 million changes in single “letters” of DNA among 71 individuals of Caucasian, African-American and Chinese-American backgrounds.

Analysis of these variants, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), will enable scientists to identify patterns that work together to trigger illness, or which affect how individual patients are likely to respond to particular drugs.

While 99.99 per cent of the human genome is shared by all people, millions of mutations in single DNA letters have accumulated during our evolution. Some of these SNPs occur in patterns particular to certain populations that share common recent ancestry; others are peculiar to individuals. They account for some of the differences between both people and ethnic groups, affecting traits as diverse as blood pressure and eye colour.

Geneticists believe that mapping and understanding SNPs will be critical to harnessing the medical benefits of the Human Genome Project.

Donald Kennedy, the editor-in-chief of Science, said: “This will provide an invaluable resource for genetic research to improve human health.”

Times Online - World

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

FDA panel recommends 'black box' warnings for eczema creams

From my research into eczema, it is a rather complex or the cause of it.

According to the "I-Medicine Sutra" Skin disease is closely related to the health of Lung & Large Intestine & Colon.

The abstract element of Lung; Large Intestine & Colon is Metal. It is the imbalance of "Chi" or conflicts between "Metal" & "Wood" that caused the Skin Disease.

Eczema can be due to the environment pollutions, humilities, the type of food such as prawn, crabs or certainly fish, also some people may be sensitive to alcohol. There is a possibility that the DNA of the of person & their family DNA. The other factor is Stress.

Using of drug must be very careful, such as using steriod & order toxine cream for the skin.

Sea water or hot spring may be a better alternative to heal the eczema.

FDA panel recommends 'black box' warnings for eczema creams
By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY
ROCKVILLE, Md. — Two popular medicines used to treat eczema should carry a warning about a potential risk for cancer and infection, a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel recommended Tuesday.

The medicines, Elidel and Protopic, were approved originally as second-line treatments for eczema, a skin disorder, to be used when traditional treatment with steroid creams did not work or caused a reaction. But both creams have become popular with parents who believe they are safer than steroid creams.


The Food and Drug Administration is looking into reports that lymph node cancer and other cancers have occurred in children and adults using Elidel and Protopic.

What they treat:
Elidel is for mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, a form of eczema. Protopic is for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Neither drug is recommended as a first-line treatment.

Who should not use them:
Among those are children younger than 2 years old, women who are breastfeeding, or anyone whose eczema is infected.
What are the risks?
Lymph node cancer, skin cancer (limit exposure to natural or artificial sunlight), increased chance of chickenpox or shingles.
Source: FDA

One of the creams, Elidel, is advertised often on television and in women's magazines as a safe alternative to steroid creams.

FDA officials said at a hearing Tuesday that they were highly concerned that several animals, including primates, developed cancer in studies of the drugs.

An advisory panel of pediatricians, dermatologists, consumer advocates and other scientists concluded Tuesday that the drug labels should include "black box" warnings about the potential cancer risk and the danger of prescribing the creams for children younger than 2.

"Black boxes" — literally printed black boxes enclosing the warnings — are considered the strongest possible labeling. The FDA usually heeds the advice of its professional panels.

"There are animal models that make us concerned that these products could contribute to an increase in cancer," said Dianne Murphy, director of the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics for the FDA. "We have no human proof, but the monkey data was very concerning."

Murphy calls the potential for cancer "biologically plausible."

"We don't want to scare people," Murphy said. "We just want to make people more informed."

Novartis, the manufacturer of Elidel, said in a statement issued after the hearing that the black box warning was "unwarranted and not substantiated by clinical evidence." About 5 million people worldwide are using the drug, Novartis said.

The FDA raised the issue of a potential cancer risk at a hearing in 2003 when early animal studies showed some signs of cancer.

Several members of the panel said then that they were alarmed by the study and wanted more direct warnings on the label. But the panel stopped short of voting for a black-box warning.

Use of the medicines has increased more than fourfold over the past four years, FDA documents show.

Physicians wrote almost 2 million prescriptions for children between June 2003 and May 2004, the FDA said. Doctors also prescribed the creams for about 500,000 children younger than 2. The creams are not recommended for infants. - FDA panel recommends 'black box' warnings for eczema creams

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Revolution

I just returned from my trip to the HQ of Pharmanex.

Thanks is due to my Friend Mike Heninger who arrange for the VIP fly in and sponsor my trip.

Here is the article that written by Mike Adams, I encourage you all to Download these free eBook, so that you could have better understanding of
the Blue Laser Scanner & your Health conditions.

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Revolution
by Mike Adams

A revolutionary new technology promises to forever change the world of modern medicine and disease prevention. This technology, called the BioPhotonic Scanner uses blue laser light to scan the level of antioxidants in your tissues in just three minutes, revealing startling information about your current state of health and your health future. This low-cost, painless procedure stands to revolutionize disease prevention and can play a crucial role right now in helping you improve your health.

In this free downloadable ebook, nutritionist Mike Adams explores the technology and offers a roadmap of how you can take advantage of this breakthrough to prevent (or even help reverse) chronic disease starting right now. In this report, you'll learn:

* How the technology works: coherent light and resonance of antioxidant molecules.
* How your antioxidant score predicts your health future.
* How author Mike Adams earned one of the top health scores ever recorded on this scanner.
* The truth about how most people are currently in a state of chronic disease, which is indicated by a low scanner score.
* How to boost your score, eliminate chronic disease and eliminate medical bills through fundamental health transformation.
* Step-by-step plans for boosting your health week after week with the help of this nutrition scanner.
* Why this BioPhotonic scanner represents the future of disease prevention technology.
* Where to get yourself scanned right now for just $10.
* How to be an affiliate of the scanner manufacturer and help others improve their own health.

Note: Mike Adams has no financial involvement whatsoever in Pharmanex. This is an unsolicited, unpaid and independent review of exciting technology that promises to enhance the lives of people around the world.

Adams considers the BioPhotonic scanner to be one of the most important breakthroughs yet seen in disease prevention. Learn about it right now by downloading this free ebook.

Blue Laser Scanner

The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Revolution

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved