Pope promotes AIDS! Africa pledged to step up involvement in fight against AIDS pandemic, while continuing to reject use of condoms. "The church says one must be faithful in marriage and we must listen to the pope"-Pope rejects condoms for Africa
Photo-Gail orenstein-Church of the Holy Sepulchre-Jerusalem
Pope rejects condoms for Africa
The Pope has already met South African President Thabo Mbeki
The spread of HIV and Aids in Africa should be tackled through fidelity and abstinence and not by condoms, Pope Benedict XVI has said.
Speaking to African bishops at the Vatican, the Pope described HIV/Aids in Africa as a "cruel epidemic".
But he told them: "The traditional teaching of the church has proven to be the only failsafe way to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids."
More than 60% of the world's 40m people with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa.
In South Africa alone, 600-1,000 people are thought to die every day because of Aids.
Pope Benedict, who was elected to succeed John Paul II in April, has already signalled that he will maintain a strictly traditional line on issues including abortion and homosexuality.
Before being elected pope, Benedict served as head of the Vatican's doctrinal office.
These were his first public comments on the issue of Aids/HIV and contraception since taking office.
It is of great concern that the fabric of African life, its very source of hope and stability, is threatened by divorce, abortion, prostitution, human trafficking and a contraception mentality
Pope Benedict
He was addressing bishops from South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia and Lesotho, who had travelled to the Vatican for a routine papal audience.
Some Catholic clergymen have argued that the use of condoms to stem the spread of the disease would be a "lesser of two evils".
The Pope warned that contraception was one of a host of trends contributing to a "breakdown in sexual morality", and church teachings should not be ignored.
"It is of great concern that the fabric of African life, its very source of hope and stability, is threatened by divorce, abortion, prostitution, human trafficking and a contraception mentality," he added.
The virus "seriously threatens the economic and social stability of the continent," the Pope said.
The UN estimates that without new initiatives and greater access to drugs, more than 80 million Africans may die from Aids by 2025 and HIV infections could reach 90 million, or 10% of the continent's population.
Churches in Africa continues AIDS fight without condoms
Catholic leaders in Africa have pledged to step up their involvement in the fight against the AIDS pandemic, while continuing to reject the use of condoms to fight the disease.
"We must listen to what the Pope is telling us" The church says one must be faithful in marriage and save oneself for marriage," said Senegal Bishop Alexandre Mbengue. "We cannot cave in to the current trend."
According to the UN agency UNAIDS sub-Saharan Africa is hardest hit by AIDS, being home to more than two-thirds of those infected with HIV worldwide - 29.4 million out of 42 million.
Congo's Kinshasa Archbishop Dominique Bulamatari said: "Using condoms as a means of preventing AIDS can only lead to sexual promiscuity."
However Nigeria's AIDS Alliance head Farouk Mohammed claims he has observed a softening of the church's position in the fight against AIDS.
"Excluding condom use, to which the church is still opposed, it is involved now in building awareness in and mobilising its members," he said.
A few minority voices among African church leaders condone condom use and urge Africa's Catholics to change their way of thinking to bring it more into line with the times.
"The condom is a stopgap, a lesser evil, but not the solution," said the bishop of Port Louis, Mauritius, Maurice Piat.
"The church's preachings are not about condoms, but about the urgency of fighting AIDS," he added, urging that the battle against the killer disease be waged "not with rubber, but with human resources."
Source; www.cathnews.com/news/310/53.php
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 28 Apr '07,
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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gailorenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Hi tsch-
yes, that is a very good point! The West is the Autority, even if it means death-like messages from the Pope!
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
You have raise a very great points by saying that the African cultural tolerance & Moral Values are important backdrop!!
From my study on civilization & the relationship about major religions is that it is the software that used by the king's or emperor's to use the Gods' & Demons to control their fellow people.
As the god base religions' have one thing in common, you believes in Gods then you go to heaven, if you don't you then go to hell!! Because in that creation of God, God is still the supreme in command in your soul , the invisible one, the one that decide the classification of one rich or poor have or have not, & the life & death of an individual being.
However, today NASA already prove time & again that the Death of the
planets universe are exactly mentioned by both Lao Zi, & Gotama.
That is:
Here Demised,
There Arises!!
Now looking at the Beijing Ren( The Asian Early man) which is about 6millions years ago & the African Early man, they all share one common body structure & the almost at the sametime.
As I believes, the all beings nature have sex naturally is to reproduce , so that there are continuety of lives!! From the human being to the lowest forms of life like Cancer cells all are the same!!
Before, the era of Albert Eistein & the computing & communications technology era. The thoeries & doctrines of God or gods would work. However, with the science & technology of today, the thoery of god would harder to be accepted & blindly followed.
In my opinion to add to tschnitzlein
Points, I recommend that the Education on philosophies of the truth, about Birth & Death Cycle, the precepts on preventions, the suffering of illness..etc. should be done most urgently.
Prevention is Always Better then cure!!
Yin & Yang must always be balance!!
Just like Day & Night
Sun & the Moon!!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Pope promotes AIDS! Africa pledged to step up involvement in fight against AIDS pandemic, while continuing to reject use of condoms. "The church says one must be faithful in marriage and we must listen to the pope"-Pope rejects condoms for Africa
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
- .隨意減重,除有礙身體健康,還容易造成溜溜球效應,讓每次復胖的體重越來越多
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- 減重中盡量以水溫40度,每次20分鐘的泡澡取代沖澡.,可提升新陳代謝。
- 一天至少喝4000cc白開水,分四次喝
- 每個月瘦下3~4kg最合理,且不傷身體,最持久也不易復胖。
- 定時吃三餐,每餐間隔4~6小時,三餐熱量平均,否則容易減重失敗。
- 不吃零食、不喝酒、不吃宵夜。最好晚上8點後不要吃任何食物。
話是這麼說,可是你心裡一定在想:「每天看到體重一點點的下降,這樣才有成就感啊!確實很多人將體重計作為減重期的主要依據,可是體重不是變瘦的唯一指 標,除了體重計,你應該再準備一條皮尺,隨時量量自己的size。
Diabetes Cure Stem Cells Breakthrough
The following is the article original posted by Billy Warhol.
My opinion is that
Prevention is better than Cure!!
Eat less sugar in food & drinks!!
Diabetes Cure Stem Cells Breakthrough
Stem cells could spell end for diabetes jabs
By DANIEL MARTIN - More by this author » Last updated at 00:20am on 11th April 2007
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Hopes have been raised of a new treatment to free thousands of diabetes sufferers from the burden of daily insulin injections.
Scientists revealed findings of a study which shows that 15 young patients with type one diabetes overcame their dependence on insulin after being treated with their own stem cells.
scroll down for more
A new scientific breakthrough could spell the end of insulin injections
The researchers say it could herald the start of a revolution in treating type one diabetes, which affects 300,000 patients in Britain.
Type one diabetics have to regularly inject themselves with the hormone insulin to control their blood sugar levels.
The new research has emerged a month after it was revealed that the number of British children under the age of five who had developed type one diabetes had risen fivefold in the past 20 years.
A team of US and Brazilian scientists gave the patients powerful drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by injections of stem cells drawn from their own blood.
After treatment, 14 of the 15 were able to put away their injection pens after losing their insulin dependence.
And so far, one patient has been free of insulin dependency for 35 months.
Study leader Dr Julio Voltarelli from the University of Sao Paolo said he had rushed out his findings because of the positive results.
He said: "Very encouraging results were obtained in a small number of patients with early-onset disease.
"Ninety-three per cent of patients achieved different periods of insulin dependence and treatment-related toxicity was low, with no mortality."
Type one diabetes is caused by insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas being destroyed by the patient's own immune system.
Stem cells are immature cells that can develop to become a range of different adult cells.
In the latest trial, patients' immune systems were suppressed using powerful drugs - to eliminate the white blood cells that were attacking the pancreas.
The patient was then injected with a chemical which loosened stem cells from their bone marrow. These were filtered out, collected and later injected back into the patient's bloodstream.
Some of the 14 patients responded more quickly than others, according to the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Researchers believe the stem cells developed into new white blood cells which did not attack the pancreatic beta cells.
But they admit there are other possible interpretations - the stem cells could have developed into new beta cells in the pancreas. Or something might have happened to stop the existing beta cells being destroyed.
The study only included a small number of patients between 14 and 31, and did not monitor their progress for very long.
Because of the nature of the study, it is not known if further stem cell injections would be required at a later date.
And unlike most medical trials there was no comparison with patients left untreated or only given drugs to suppress their immune system.
Malcolm Alison, professor of stem cell biology at the Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry in London, said: "In principle this is a cure because these people developed long-term control of their glucose levels.
"But these patients haven't been followed up long enough, so we cannot yet be sure."
Dr Ian Frame, research manager at Diabetes UK, said: "This is interesting new research that demonstrates that there may have been a substantial improvement in beta cell fundtion. However we would wish to avoid false hope based on the very preliminary nature of these results.
"This study had a very small number of participants and importantly did not include a randomised control group for comparison of results.
"Also, as the researchers say, those who took part have not been sufficiently followed up to find out whether or not the improvements have continued.
"All these issues need to be addressed through more research before there are any conclusive findings in this area."
There have been several pointers towards this latest discovery.
Studies have alreday shown that bone marrow transplants given to cancer patients also seemed to reverse certain auto-immune disease such as type one diabetes. Bone marrow is full of stem cells.
Later it was found that treating patients with stem cells from their own blood could benefit individuals with a range of auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Chron's disease.
Uploaded by BillyWarhol on 11 Apr '07, 12.27am PDT.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Do Skin Creams Work?
This is the article I found on WebMD,
Please read the full report.
I shall share with you my finding in the next post.
Hope in a Jar: Do Skin Creams Work?
WebMD Feature
You've seen the antiaging skin care claims, in newspapers, magazines, and even online: ominous photos of hypodermic needles posed along side innocuous, even innocent-looking jars of cream.
The message: Topical cosmetic creams promises the same wrinkle-relaxing, age-defying results as some pricey wrinkle-filling injections like Restalyne and Juva Derm, or even Botox.
But can they? If you're skeptical about what you read, you're not alone. Not surprisingly, some doctors also question the claims and the promises.
"The bottom line is that if these creams could accomplish the same thing as a medical procedure, they would be drugs and not cosmetics -- and that's what you have to keep in mind when deciding whether to try or buy," says Marsha Gordon, MD, vice chairman of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
Some of the antiaging treatment technology focuses on compounds called pentapeptides -- small groups of long-chain amino acids that function as chemical messengers throughout the body. Among the most popular creams containing these ingredients include the Regenerist line by Olay, Strivectin-SD by Klein Becker, Wrinkle Relax by DDF, and the Principal Secret Reclaim line.
And though doctors say there are no published medical studies showing they work, experts involved in product testing say there is ample science behind the pentapeptide technology.
"It had a very strong pedigree going into the process -- we weren't just looking for the next hope in the jar, we were really looking at medical science before we started down the path with these products," says Lauren Thaman Hodges, director of Beauty Science for Olay skin care products.
Initially, the research on pentapeptides was done in relation to wound healing. As part of the body's natural response to help skin heal, published studies showed peptides are instrumental in increasing cells in the skin to produce more collagen.